Truth for today 9/1/14

Today I woke up grateful! Everyday I’m grateful to be alive but today was different. As soon as my eyes opened I was filled with so much joy, peace and happiness.  At first I thought it was because I didn’t have to work today but as I ate breakfast and prepared for the day I had the same joy.

I’m changing!

God is changing me and becoming who he wants me to be. I’m grateful! I’m no longer the selfish little girl who always wanted things to go her way. This morning I woke up truly grateful that God makes ALL things new.

What did you wake up grateful for today?


6 thoughts on “Truth for today 9/1/14

  1. Brianna, I thank you for coming by for your visit to Being Woven brought me here for encouraging words from your morning wake-up call. Praise the Lord that He makes all things new and brings joy in the morning (and all day long!).
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda


  2. Grateful for everything. Helped make a backyard oasis with my mom this weekend and it felt good. A new place to hangout take in nature with shading and an opportunity to be outdoors more often. Even while I write. To be in one piece (peace). 🙂


  3. I’m grateful for an unconditional love that wraps around me every single day.. I’m grateful for a great family, an amazing boyfriend and a great church family. I’m grateful to be alive, especially after so many suicidal attempts in my past. God has been truly good to me and thinking about His goodness stirs something inside of me, my heats becomes so full of joy and thanksgiving. Thank you so much for checking out my blog and inviting me to check yours out! I enjoyed reading your posts, keep them coming and I know your words will bring life to many other people. Thanks again and if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out ! ❤ Mo


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