Thank you!

I would like to thank all of my subscribers for coming on this journey with me! 2014 has been a rollercoaster and I am so happy to be going into 2015 knowing that Gods grace is sufficient enough for me. Big things are happening in 2015 for this blog and I hope big things for yours as well. Have a safe night! See ya in 2015!


Truth for Today 9/14/14

Hello Everyone! Hope all is well with you! How has your weekend been? Mine is going by fast as usual but other than that it’s been a pretty good weekend. I pray that each of you reading this will have a safe and blessed upcoming week. Talk to yall later!

Truth for Today

Hey everyone! It is about 11:52 pm right now in Georgia, today was a long but not stressful day. I’ve been so busy that I almost forgot about posting. So I just dropped in to see how everyone’s doing!

Who would follow my Instagram if I started a #PeaceDuringTheJourney Instagram account!? With inspiration pics and quotes from my blog and some of the blogs that I follow. I think that would be a great marketing tool to get both you and I new subscriber’s. Let me know! 


Truth for Today 9/7/14

I hope you all are having a good Sunday! My day has been relaxing and quiet peaceful too. The Falcons won against the Saints so that added to today being great. I’ll be doing three book reviews on some books that I have read recently and they’ll be up soon. I also want to thank everyone for supporting this blog! All of your likes and comments mean soooooooo much to me!

Have a great and blessed Sunday!

Truth for today 9/3/14

Just because I believe in God does not mean I don’t like to have fun! I go to the movies, out to eat, go bowling and I am a tv enthusiast! Yup! I looooooove me some Scandal!

I don’t understand why when people hear me talk about God they automatically assume that I’m not human and that I think I’m better than them. Newsflash! I am human! I’m not better than anyone. The only difference between you and I is that I pray through my bad days and you might not. I understand that super religious people can put a bad taste in others mouths about Christians BUT people have to get to know others before they assume that they are holier-than-thou.

Truth be told I hardly ever be friend anyone who picks and make fun of my relationship with God. It just doesn’t sit well with me or my spirit. Girls my age automatically assume that since I love going to praise and worship service that I can’t go to six flags or the art museum or anything that doesn’t involve church. I guess that’s why I gotten in a habit of doing things by myself.

Have any of you ever experienced this? Please share.


Truth for today 9/2/14

I have a secret! Well if you’re reading this then you already know the secret lol but I haven’t told anyone about this blog. No one knows! Not even my parents. I know you’re probably wondering why and it’s because sometimes people won’t be happy for you or support you because God gave you the vision and not them. Meaning, they won’t see what you see and I don’t have time for the “you’re going to school for business why would you start a blog” questions.

I’d rather everyone find out on their own.

Truth is I don’t want anyone telling me what I should and should not be blogging about. I want to be free. Free to speak about how good God is, how hard I work and how much I love my family(or how much they can get on my nerves lol)

Well, that was my truth for today. What’s yours?


Quick Update! Notes to self…

I like to write little notes to myself. Sometimes in the morning before I get my day started and sometimes when I get home from work. Little pick me up and inspirational notes help us all.

Something as simple as “Remember God is always in control” can put things back into perspective during a busy day at the office or school.

I pray that my sharing my blog will help a lot of people. I’ll be sharing my little notes to myself as much as possible. I know that I am not the only person who needs to be reminded that God is in control and that he loves us unconditionally.



So true!


I always knew I was going through a trial, but does that make it any easier?
I don’t think so , when you’re in a test, you’re in a test!

The hard thing to do as a Christian, is to keep you’re eyes heavenward, and that despite your circumstances or feelings!

For me there are two kinds of trial –

1) the short , sharp, shock.
2) the prolonged, it’s never going to change, it’s always going to be this way kind.

The end of both is the same, relief and thanksgiving to the great God we serve!

And that’s where I’m at – in love with a wonderful Christ who brings me through, even when I find it hard to understand during.

Afterwards , truly as James says ” it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness”

1 Peter 1:7 (NLT) These trials will show that your faith is genuine…

View original post 50 more words

Does reflecting on what God has done build your faith!?

I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting, mostly on what God has done for me.

I noticed that never ONCE did I walk alone. Even when I felt alone God was with me. There were times when I missed the mark and felt as if God should disown me or turn his back on me. That never happened! I was never the type to run away from the lord but when I felt like I had disappointed him I would throw myself a pity party and think about how mad he must be at me. 

I grow up in a spiritual bible based church so I knew what God’s promises were to us but I didn’t start wanting to see them come to pass in my life until I was about 21. By that time I had enough of bumping my head, having a attitude everyday and just being unhappy. I told the lord that I couldn’t do it on my own and that I wanted the life he had for me. God started to change me long before I asked him to help me, I guess he knew it was coming lol. Once I started to see the change in myself I began to think back to the hard times that I were no longer having and it made me love God a thousand times more. Not just because they were gone but because at that very moment I knew that if he did it before he can do it again!


I wrote this blog just to let people know that reflecting on your past form time to time isn’t always a bad thing! Get a journal and start to write down every problem and obstacle that God has seen you through. It’ll build your faith and make you love him even more!

Reflecting on my past made me love God more for these simple reasons:

1. He has shown my TRUE unconditional love!

2. He has never left my side!

3. He has never let a problem be a problem all of my life!
