Truth for Today 9/30/14

God loves you!

There is nothing you can do to stop God from loving you! He loves you not because he is forced to but because he chose you to be his child. Just like your earthly parents he wants to protect you from all harm, he want to help you make the right decisions and he wants you to know how much he loves you.

It was on my heart to write this short blog tonight and I pray that whoever this is meant for is reading this and that God will reveal his unconditional love to them. Who ever you are I want you to know that when you don’t love yourself, dont feel loved by others to not beat yourself up and get depressed because God’s love goes beyond the love we get from humans. His love is everlasting, unfailing and unconditional. If you want to feel and know God’s love for you pray this simple prayer

Dear God,

Show me how much you love me. I want to know that you care for me deeply and that your love isn’t conditional like us humans here on earth. Show me as much as possible that I am the apple of your eye! I want to know that your love will never fail. Show me your love lord so that I may show it to others. In Jesus name! Amen!

I hope that this post touches the right person(s)


Truth for Today 9/26/14: If you ever had any doubt…

Happy Friday!!!

I pray that all is well with everyone reading this blog. This is my first blog in a few weeks I’ve been busy at the office and tutoring some classmates but as of today I’m back!

I’ve been wondering if you know that God loves you, not just any ole earthly love but the unconditional, never failing love! Well, if you didn’t know or if you’re not sure I’m here to tell you that God does love you! He loves you more than any human being could ever love you. God loves us even when we don’t love ourselves or the people around us. Some believe that God only loves us when we make the right decisions and choices and that when we don’t he turns his back on us… THAT IS NOT TRUE! We as humans think that we walk away from God all of the time but he is ALWAYS with us. When we( YES We!) were drunk in the club allllll those nights and didn’t know how we made it back home, dorms, or friends houses God was with us! When you ran away from home at 14 and had no where to go God WAS WITH YOU! When you smoked crack day after day and never overdosed GOD WAS WITH YOU!

You see God is around even when we are doing things that aren’t Godly. I want you to know today that God is NOT MAD AT YOU! He loves you! You are the apple of his eye! He is aware of everything that concerns you! When you are going through a storm know that God loves you soooooooo much that he’s not going to let that storm last forever. Now I also want you to know that just because God loves you it doesn’t mean that you won’t see storms but it does mean that you are not alone! Once you embrace the love God has for you everything will change. you will begin to want to know more about him and why he loves you so much. Once you open your spiritual eyes and see how much he loves you despite your flaws and attitude it will make you want to love just as Jesus loves and when you began to constantly walk in love your life will forever change for the better.

So today I pray that you began to realize that God really loves you! When someone has mistreated you, unappreciated you or hasn’t loved you like you like you love them be in peace and know that God loves you far beyond that love that they could give you. Be in peace and know that God is aware of the situation and know that in the midst of your storm he is with you loving and caring for you deeply. GOD BLESS YOU!


Truth for Today

Have you ever been going through the day and everything seems to piss you off!? Like, you have a attitude about every LITTLE thing! When you experience those times sneak off and start to just talk to God. Usually when you don’t spend any time with him you are starving your spirit and your flesh starts to take over.

My truth for today is that this morning I woke up late and didn’t make it to the office at my usual time. I knew that I didn’t spend time with God so when I came in the offic3, turned the lights on I went to a small room got down on my knees and began to thank God for giving me another day of life. I know that if I wouldn’t have taken that time out for him that my attitude would’ve been the WORST.

Have you ever had to make a decision to spend time with God when you noticed a negative change in your attitude? 


Truth for Today 9/14/14

Hello Everyone! Hope all is well with you! How has your weekend been? Mine is going by fast as usual but other than that it’s been a pretty good weekend. I pray that each of you reading this will have a safe and blessed upcoming week. Talk to yall later!

Truth for Today

Hey everyone! It is about 11:52 pm right now in Georgia, today was a long but not stressful day. I’ve been so busy that I almost forgot about posting. So I just dropped in to see how everyone’s doing!

Who would follow my Instagram if I started a #PeaceDuringTheJourney Instagram account!? With inspiration pics and quotes from my blog and some of the blogs that I follow. I think that would be a great marketing tool to get both you and I new subscriber’s. Let me know! 


Truth for Today 9/8/14

Today was one of those days yall! It started off very normal, help the clients, reply to emails. I’ve had this feeling for a few days now to reach out to someone and see how they’re doing. I kept wondering if they knew that God loved them. So today I texted her and began to encourage her. I wanted her to know that she is loved, good enough and special. Later on in the day I was the one who needed those encouraging words. Those feelings of being inadequate came up and I had to quickly remind myself that I am good enough because God loves me!

Ain’t it funny how we need the same encouraging words that we speak to others? Share a time when you encouraged someone as well as yourself.


Truth for Today 9/7/14

I hope you all are having a good Sunday! My day has been relaxing and quiet peaceful too. The Falcons won against the Saints so that added to today being great. I’ll be doing three book reviews on some books that I have read recently and they’ll be up soon. I also want to thank everyone for supporting this blog! All of your likes and comments mean soooooooo much to me!

Have a great and blessed Sunday!

Truth for Today 9/6/14

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday! I recently read a book called Grace by Max Lucado and will write a review on it soon. In the book he spoke about giving Grace to other just as God has given Grace to us.

This morning I decided to go have breakfast by myself at my new favorite diner. I sat down, eat and read some of How to live beyond your feelings by Joyce Meyer. I must say I really enjoyed myself this morning the food the great so was the customer service.

I walked back across the street to the train station and waited for the bus. When the bus pulled up I got on and watched everyone get on. We arrived at the train station where my connecting bus would leave but I had to wait because the bus hadn’t arrived yet. I watched the bus I had just got off on pulled up in the spot where my bus is supposed to be. I got on the bus and proceed to pay but before I could pay my fare the bus driver looked at me and gave me Grace!  She could’ve made me pay to ride down the street but because she knew I had just paid she let me sit on down.

I was so grateful! A week ago I had read about how we should spread Love and Grace to people everyday and here I was receiving it! It really made my day.
When was the last time you gave or received Grace? Share it with me.


Truth for today 9/5/14

Happy Friday!!!

I hope all is well with everyone reading this post. Today has been a smooth day for me at the office… Thank God! no one wants a super busy Friday right? I had two interns with me today so they helped made the day go by smoother. It’s quiet in the office right now, i’m the only person here and it’s really peaceful. Im loving it! 

I told myself that I would post regularly so that you all wouldn’t miss me LOL! My truth for today is that I’m trying to have better relationships with everyone around me. I’m writing my friends whom have been with me letters and sending them by mail. Yup! old school! I just want to let them know that they are loved and appreciated. I like to hand write letter because I want the person reading the letter to know that they’re THAT special for me to take time to actually write out a letter, not send a extra long text or email that they may not read until weeks later. Hand written letters are the best! 

I was once told that charity starts at home and spreads aboard so I figured that I should have a better love walk with the people that are already in my life before trying to build new relationships with strangers. I have amazing friends that have been in my life since 5th grade, we might not speak everyday or see each other often but I want them to know that I am always here for them. So when I get home i’ll start on the letter and send them off on Monday.

What’s your truth for today?
